Swimming Pool Heat Exchangers For boilers, solar panels and heat pumps
When you buy Bowman Heat Exchangers from Patriot Pool Heating, you’re working with the BEST COMBO in the pool heating business. We literally stock, support and sell Bowman heat exchangers to the biggest water parks, commercial pools and pool companies in the U.S.
When it comes to heat transfer solutions for your pool, Bowman delivers nothing less than optimum performance. Literally tens of thousands of our units are operating efficiently and reliably around the world, from spas and hot tubs to Olympic pools, in both commercial and domestic applications.
Whether your pool uses conventional heating or renewable energy, the unique design and technology of Bowman heat exchangers will help you achieve faster heat-up times while reducing your energy consumption, costs and CO2 emissions. We’re here to help you find the perfect fit for your pool. Buy now if you know if you know the exact unit you need is correct or call us for support. You can also use our handy chart below to find the unit or units your require.