laser focused on commercial
pool leaks
We are NOT a pool company. In fact, most pool companies in PA & NJ call us out to find, fix and prevent commercial property pool leaks from losing revenue.
Why Call Us?
Poo Leak Detection is our only business and that means we get results FAST. When you have commercial pool at your hotel, athletic facility, resort or water park, your customer satisfaction relies on a working pool.
When you suspect a pool leak, the best thing to do is call a real expert first since any delay in detection and repair will cost you big $$$$.
Let’s face it, water is not free and neither are the pool chemicals that will be thrown off daily by a leaking pool system.
With our technology and expertise, we find poo leaks fast and then have the capability to fix ANY issue we find. Heater unions, pump rooms, underground pipes and even returns can have invisible leaks that need expert solutions.
If your business has a pool leak in Pennylvania, NJ or even NY, Call the top rated pool leak detection company in the North East first and save money.
Large or small, we can handle your hotel, waterpark or HOA pool leak. Just ask our clients like Aquatopia or Mount Airy Resort in the Pocconos.
Do you have a pool leak down at the Jersey Shore? We cover your area too. In fact, hotels and resorts in Wildwood, Ocean City and beyond trust Patriot Commercial Pool Leak Detection to find and fix their leak.
Our Most Common Clients
Technology + Technicians = Results
No other company in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or New York has the pool leak detection technology that we do. In fact, our arsenal of fiberoptic pipe scopes can cover 100’s of feet and ANY diameter of pipe. When you combine that with our digital and computer water testing system, we find your problem fast. That means lower losses on water, chemicals and down time.
How Long Does it take for a visit?
since we are centrally based in the Philly suburbs, we can be to almost ANY location in New Jersey or the Pocconos within three hours.
Do you guarantee your work?
We are the ONLY commercial pool leak detection company in the North East who guarantees that we find your leak. With a team and the technology on every truck we send out, we WILL find your leak.
Do You Do Home Pools?
No. We only handle commercial pools for businesses, communities and schools. That’s why we can guarantee 24/7 service and methotical inspection of your pool.
Do You handle small jobs?
As long as you are a commercial pool, we can and will handle your pool leak detection needs. Many times, your leak will be found and fixed the same day.
Do you have referrals?
Our largest clients is Aquatopia Waterpark in the Pocconos. Their entire business involves millions of gallons of water and tens of thousands of pipes and pool equipment. If we can find and fix their leak, we can do it for you.
How Much Do You Charge?
Because we ONLY handle commercial pool leak detection, we are not going to be the lowest price. However, if you call a pool company to look at your problem, they will probably call us since we are the leak detection company that the pool pros use.